Project Partners

Northeast Metro Tech was constructed in 1968, and has not had any significant renovations, additions, or improvements since then. We are facing several issues that are reducing the quality of the educational experience we are able to provide to students.

Issue #1: Overcrowding

The school is at capacity and more than 300 students are wait listed every year.

Issue #2: Limited IEP Accommodations

About 25% of students are a part of the Individualized Education Program. The limited resources the school does have available for this population are not centrally located.

Issue #3: Outdated Facilities and Programming

The facility is no longer equipped with the space for the types of courses a 21st century vocational institution should provide, and requires modernization to comply with state regulations in terms of size and program demands.

Issue #4: Failing Mechanical and Electrical Systems

The current building needs a complete replacement of its mechanical and electrical systems, along with a full code and regulations update.

In 2017 the Massachusetts School Building Authority accepted the Northeast Metro Tech Building Project, and will reimburse the school for a significant percentage of the total project costs.

The remaining costs will be paid by the cities and towns in the school district — mortgaged over a 30 year period. Local cost will be divided among communities based on the prior year October 1 enrollment.

Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc is the Northeast Metro Tech project designer. The architecture firm is located in Waltham, MA and has worked on 80 educational projects including 15 high school projects in the last 7 years.

Latest News

November 2023 Construction Update

Construction activities within the non-jurisdictional wetland areas continue to progress. The project team received a Superseding Order of Conditions

October 2023 Construction Update

Construction activities outside of wetland areas continue to progress while the project team awaits a decision from the Department of Environmental

Blasting operations are underway, if you like to be signup for Pre-Blast Notifications, please call Esta FalveyPre-Blast Notification Sign Up at 508-478-0273